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Silky Jasmine

Silky jasmine is the ultimate aphrodisiac in perfume. It is the most intimate, sexy, gorgeous, and sensually appetizing of all the major white floral notes. Jasmine’s buttery, silky, vanilla-and-heated skin aroma is found everywhere in perfume, in both men’s and women’s scents. It’s incredible versatility is hard to match: it can soar on its own, or be artfully blended into the background, to provide a dangerous growl to an simple, demure floral bouquet. It’s also one of the most popular notes, especially in women’s perfume, so if you enjoy jasmine’s torrid sensuality, you can build a devastating fragrance collection in no time.
Product list
Fragrances that use Silky Jasmine
Crisp Pear
Silky Jasmine
Sparkling Bergamot
Whipped Vanilla
Striving for excellence and living in excess, she's out here doing the absolute most. The thought of being “low maintenance” bores her to tears, but she won’t cry—her mascara is too expensive. She has a swagger in her step, and not unlike this in-your-face scent, commands attention everywhere she goes. Maximalist opens big and bold, with a fruity burst of crisp pear, green apple, and juicy pineapple, while jasmine and rose petals mingle with rich patchouli, creating a get a lush, lavish air. Soft suede and cedarwood add dimension and warmth, as a hint of whipped vanilla serves as the final tongue-in-cheek retort that leaves the room buzzing. She’s got high heels, higher standards, and is unapologetically high maintenance. Is she too much? Possibly, but only for those who aren’t enough.